Just a bit confused Saturday morning... I woke up thinking Halloween was this week and I needed to make sugar cookies for Henry's Halloween party at school this week. It's opening pheasant hunting season so the kids and I were husband/fatherless on Saturday and I started sifting powdered sugar and mixing the dough, using the delicious sugar cookie recipe my mom always used from the Betty Crocker Cooky Book. I usually double the recipe, which means I have to use 3 cups of powdered sugar and a whole pound (gasp) of butter. Wouldn't Julia be proud? At any rate, I must need to brush up on my multiplication tables because I went to double the eggs... and, well, the recipe calls for 1 egg and soon I realized I had put 4 eggs in the dough! I was a bit sad about needing to dump a pound of butter when Maggie suggested that I quadruple the recipe instead. I decided we could easily give away sugar cookies and went for it. It was 6 hours later, when I was on the phone with my mom, that I realized Halloween is two weeks away... So, now I have a bakery size lump of sugar cookie dough in my fridge. I'm steeling myself to roll out all these cookies. I think they'll keep okay in the fridge if I bake them now and frost them just before Halloween? Any bakers out there with some advice?