This Christmas, I was home with my sisters at my parents' house, when I started getting grief from my sisters -- why didn't they have a fabric named after them, they wanted to know. I explained that I hadn't seen a fabric that really looked like their taste yet. This week, we got a few new fabrics in. I opened the box, saw a swatch of fabric, and wondered if maybe the brown one with the small flowers in a geometric pattern should be named for my sister, Molly. I just couldn't decide -- did it look "I live in Boston. I'm an architect. I look straight laced, but I'm perhaps the funniest person alive?"
Went to a show that night, brought unnamed brown fabric with me. Customer was holding onto banana seat pink and asking me what went with it. She was designing a baby gift - a monarch dress in size 3-6 months. I said O's pink looks great - see the orange shades together. Then, I remembered the brown fabric. I held it up, and it was adorable. It made the bikes come alive - like a suprisingly fun fabric should.
I looked at the customer and asked, "So, what's the baby's name?" She said, "Molly. Molly Kate." This has to go in the category of things that make you go hmmm... My Molly is Molly Kathleen.
Now, Molly has her fabric, and I am on the lookout for a Bridget. A fabric that says "I am from Minneapolis. I'm a buyer. I juggle 3 kids, a husband, and a full time job, and I always pick out the perfect card and gift for every occassion."
can't wait until you name one after me :)
Woo hoo! I finally got a fabric named after me. I love it, and can't wait to see one of my super-cute nieces wearing a Maggie Delaney skirt with Molly fabric. Thanks!
I've FINALLY created a dress using the Molly fabric, I've been trying being she's my bestest friend, Yeah! It is for my niece - age 2 - My girls are due for new dresses and I'll be trying to hard to have Molly in them! Erin I have to say the picture of Pappa Hogan (golfing) looks like a mesh of both of your bros. Jenn S
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