Occasionally Erin and I challenge eachother to find the ugliest fabric around. Okay, so this is really not time well spent, but it is completely amusing. There is a lot of unfortunate fabric out there. Which one wins? Option 1, a lansdcape from the planet SCAREY, or option 2, HALLOWEEN GONE WRONG? I have to say that these two fabrics are made by one of our favorite companies. To each his own, I guess.
So my vote is option 2. Not that I am not deeply offended by the landscape, but I have always had trouble with thematic dressing. My mom's friends' are still presenting me with holiday sweaters after I made an edict that it is never okay to wear one. What do you think, option 1 or options 2? This is a toss up.
I can promise you one thing: maggie delaney will not be featuring either of these for Fall 2008.
I feel very disturbed by Fabric 2. When, exactly, would one use such fabric?
I agree with you that #2 is creepiest; however, if they were to add some brightly colored wildlife to #1 it could take the lead.
maybe what fabric one needs is the guy who painted the happy trees adding some happy trees to the landscape!
number 2+dress+Laney=puke!
I hate #2.
I have to say #2 is terrible the pumpkin head is creepy!
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