Thursday, July 31, 2008


It has come to our attention that we are all out of lace candy aqua. Gasp! Although this is not ideal, it is not as bad as it could be. Erin called today and confirmed that we can get more. It's just going to take about a month or so. We will let you know when it returns. We love lace candy aqua, and what would wild thing and cocoa dots aqua do without it?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Unfortunate Fabric

Occasionally Erin and I challenge eachother to find the ugliest fabric around. Okay, so this is really not time well spent, but it is completely amusing. There is a lot of unfortunate fabric out there. Which one wins? Option 1, a lansdcape from the planet SCAREY, or option 2, HALLOWEEN GONE WRONG? I have to say that these two fabrics are made by one of our favorite companies. To each his own, I guess.

So my vote is option 2. Not that I am not deeply offended by the landscape, but I have always had trouble with thematic dressing. My mom's friends' are still presenting me with holiday sweaters after I made an edict that it is never okay to wear one. What do you think, option 1 or options 2? This is a toss up.

I can promise you one thing: maggie delaney will not be featuring either of these for Fall 2008.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yesterday I was listening to NPR All Things Considered . . . I love NPR.  It is truly an addiction for me as my role of mother has evolved to full time chauffeur.  So, Michele Norris of ATC interviewed a 35 year old Chicago actress who is currently living like Oprah.  What does this mean?  She is reading Oprah's books, buying her recommended Oprah's favorite things, and following the 'live your best life' mantra for one calendar year.  I think this may be the funniest thing I have ever heard.  It is inspired and insane.  She is blogging about her experiences and her insight on 'Living Oprah' (LO) at  She makes it clear in the introduction of her blog that she is in no way connected to the Oprah show . . . I think you could probably surmise as much from her posts.  I am fascinated.  Just what I need, another addiction.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Christmas in July... or is it back to school?

Just got our first internet order for Christmas dresses. Love, love, love the Christmas playdate fabric, and this mom put it in two ringlet dresses (sleeves on Christmas dresses rock in this part of the country) for her two girls. I'm just hoping she's taking Christmas pictures in July and that she will be sending me a copy soon.

I'm not thinking much about Christmas, but it is only July 2nd, and I have to admit that I bought Maggie and Henry's back to school bags already. Laney and Charley in IL just got out of school a few weeks ago, but we have been out in SD since May 21 and the kids go back on August 20. Henry starts kindergarten; so, I had to find the right backpack for him and lunch box - he is allergic to wheat so I pack lunch every day.

Maggie, also known as the girl who will no longer wear dresses (thank goodness we make skirts), had to have a messenger bag this year - ditching the backpack must be a right of passage for third graders.
Okay, so I also bought three shirts with Maggie's messnger bag. Have you seen the super cute Junk Food shirts at the Gap? Had to order a couple Star Wars ones for Henry and a Snoopy one for Maggie. There was one with Smurfette on it, and I pointed at it and said, "Have you ever seen this show - 'The Smurfs?'" She looked at me and said, "No. And, I hope I never do."
She's smurfing out on something ... isn't she?